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Christian Conference of Asia

Australians attend Ecumenical Youth Assembly in Indonesia

On 6-13 April 2018, over 350 young people from 23 countries across Asia attended the Asian Ecumenical Youth Assembly (AEYA). Organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), the Assembly brought together representatives from over 100 churches, denominations, and ecumenical councils in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia to inspire and engage, bringing God’s Light and Truth to our world.

AYEA covered today’s most pressing issues, such as religious intolerance, human trafficking, poverty, gender inequality, sexuality, environment and family values. For the participants, AEYA has been an inspiration to continue ecumenical work back home. 

Two Australian participants, Andrew Traeger and Erin Kerber, from the Lutheran Church of Australia, remarked “We are incredibly thankful for the opportunity to attend AEYA. It is exciting to now share what we have gained with our communities, and we encourage others to engage in ecumenical dialogue and projects, to help bring God’s Light and Truth to our world.”

The Assembly closed with the following prayer:


O God, dear friend,
We will hear Your voice in silence
We will walk with You in darkness

We will touch Your pain in all creatures
We see Your broken bodies in Asia
We will dance with You in the rhyme of Hope
We will sing with You in the gesture of Justice
We will play with You in the land of Peace



Left, Australian representatives at AEYA Easter parade.


If you would like to read more about Andrew and Erin’s experience at the AEYA in their own words click here

Another of NCCA's members, the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA), also sent a delegate to AEYA. Read their representative's experience in the UCA article.

If you are interested in the outcomes and report from the AEYA please watch the CCA website for the release of this document.


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