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Message from the President

Bishop Philip Huggins

Take a moment to appreciate everyday miracles.

Bishop Philip Huggins reflects on taking a moment to appreciate the everyday. We share his article published in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Sunday 29 April 2018.

"As we live with faith, amid much that seeks our attention, there is a simple wisdom worth practising. Reading Ignatian spirituality one is reminded to be grateful for the little ordinary miracles of life: the very fact of waking each day – the gift of a new day of life. I like to imagine bumper stickers. Most are rather long and might require the purchase of a truck, like: “Be here now until you are not here anymore!”

Another of the little miracles is the gift of our senses. What we can hear, see and smell. “When in doubt, play Mozart, eat chocolate” is another of my imagined bumper stickers. 

Jesus’ wisdom and our own highest intuitive knowledge is that to know what is best, look at the world through the eyes of children. They show us how to re-appreciate the miracles of our senses. I recently watched a grandchild stop in her tracks, transfixed by a butterfly dancing."

To read the full article published in the Sydney Morning Herald click here.



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