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Praying with and for the Palestinian people

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On 17 May 2018, the NCCA wrote to the Palestinian Ambassador, HE Izzat Salah Abdulhadi on hearing the news of the deaths that occurred on Monday 14 May 2018.  

We passed on our concern and shared a prayer, taken from the Prayer for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine.

The NCCA would also like to share this prayer with you. It is taken from a prayer from the United Church of Canada and based on the Kairos-Palestine Document, A moment of Truth: A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering. This document is available from the World Council of Churches website

You are encouraged to pray this prayer with and for all people in the Holy Land during times of violence and suffering.

you are our hope, we shall not let go.
You help us seek peace, justice, hope, and dignity for all people in the Holy Land and Middle East.
You lead us towards courageous actions.
prepare tables of dialogue and opportunities for truth-telling around us.
Open the hearts of hurting people so that they may witness small signs of hope.
Surely, with your help, we will continue to seek justice and resist evil,
all the days of our lives,
until all are able to live abundantly.
Adapted from the Prayer for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine (inspired by Psalm 23 and A Moment of Truth: Kairos Palestine, section 3)

Read the NCCA letter to the Palestinian Ambassador

The United Church of Canada's Prayer for Peace with Justice in Israel/Palestine


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