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Message from the Secretariat


“All the believers were together and had everything in common” (Acts 2:44)

As we celebrate Pentecost (Eastern and Oriental Churches on 27 May), the WCC Pentecost Greeting 2018  asks us to recall the living testimonies of those who give their lives promoting reconciliation and peace with justice in their many countries worldwide.

This NCCA Newsletter includes such people in our midst and in our prayers – Sudanese and South Sudanese church leaders from seven churches in Australia gathering in a national consultation last week; Australian Sr Pat Fox NDS in The Philippines; Palestinians grieving the violent killings of protesters.

In this season we also recall that the Risen Christ brings two gifts and a promise. He brings peace and this is God’s saving presence amongst us. He gives the Holy Spirit to remind us of all that He taught and that enables us to do the great works He did as His witnesses.

The promise of the Risen Christ is in response to our openness to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit and being part of God’s plan to renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray that the Spirit of Pentecost brings hope to all men and women seeking peace and liberation.

“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity
We shall harness for God the energies of love and then,
for a second time in the history of the world,
(hu)man kind will have discovered fire.
… Trust in the slow work of God.”
(Teilhard de Chardin sj)



Liz Stone

Interim General Secretary


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