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Act for Peace

'Buckets of dignity' Campaign

Menstrual Hygiene Day was Tuesday 28 May and in response, Act for Peace has launched the ‘buckets of dignity’ campaign.  The aim is to raise enough money to provide 3,000 Rohingya women and girls, with dignity kits: including soap, underwear, sanitary pads, a torchlite, sandals and clothing.

Menstrual hygiene is a subject that can be a bit hard to talk about – even though it shouldn’t be. Women around the world would agree that getting their period is anything but easy. But have you ever stopped to consider what that might be like for women and girls living in refugee camps?


In emergency situations, female hygiene is often overlooked. Women and girls living in refugee camps often lack access to essential hygiene items – such as pads, soap and clean underwear.  Can you imagine for just a moment, what this would be like?

Act for Peace has decided to do something about it on Menstrual Hygiene Day launched the 'buckets of dignity' campaign. 

The goal is to raise $90,000 over the next 28 days. That's how much it will cost to provide 3,000 dignity kits to Rohingya refugees living in a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazaar.

Will you give a bucket of dignity today? 

AFP 2Your gift will provide a dignity kit - including underwear, sanitary pads, traditional clothing, a torch, laundry soap and sandals, as well as a bucket that allows a woman to wash in the privacy 3of her own home - to women and girls who have fled unimaginable horrors, and who are now living day by day in a refugee camp in Cox’s Bazaar.

These kits cost just $30, and it is impossible to express the difference that something so simple can make. For someone who has survived horrendous hardship, a dignity kit goes a long way.

Stand with those who are suffering, and to create a more just and peaceful world.

Donate here to give a bucket of dignity today? 

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