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Research paper on Australian Ecumenical leader

Rev Harvey Perkins (1919-2012)

Who was Harvey Perkins and why was he important? The NCCA encourages you to read the research paper by Brian Howe recalling the learnings and legacy of a passionate ecumenist. 

Harvey Perkins was an Australian Christian minister and an important ecumenical leader in Australia and Asia in the post-World War II and post-colonial period in Asia. Perkins helped to create the Australian Council of Churches (ACC).

"Perkins was a very important Australian Christian leader, who in a crucial period, laid the foundations for a reformed Christian and indigenous ecumenical movement in post-colonial Asia." states Howe in his research paper.

Harvey Perkins was the General Secretary, Australian Council of Churches (1956-1966)

"It is so important to recall those whose hard work and tough learnings helped shape what we inherit." says Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President.

We encourage you to read the full research paper here.

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