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Act for Peace

Ration Challenge 2021

Sunday 13 – Saturday 19 June 2021

There has never been a more important time to take the Ration Challenge. 

This year marked the 10 year anniversary of the start of the war in Syria. It’s a significant milestone, but not one that we at Act for Peace are celebrating. 

Over the last 10 years more than 6.6 million people have been forced to leave everything they’ve ever known behind in a bid to find one of life’s fundamental human rights — safety. These are mothers and fathers who want safety, dignity, and the ability to rebuild their lives and provide a bright future for their children.

This year, will you join thousands of people across Australia, and around the world, who are taking the Ration Challenge in support of Syrian refugees and other communities impacted by conflict and disaster?

You’ll spend one week eating the same rations as a Syrian refugee — just a small amount of rice, lentils, flour, chickpeas, beans, fish and oil — raise money, and change lives. 

Eat rations. Raise money. Save lives.

Visit the Act for Peace RATION CHALLENGE 2021 website for more information on the Ration Challenge and to sign up. Sign up here

Find out more  This year, you can help. 

If you think you are up for the challenge this year, we’d love to have you join.  Sign up now! 

You can find out more information by visiting our website, or sign up now using the button below. 

The Ration Challenge is less than six weeks away. Sign up here now to take part. 

Sign up now for the Ration Challenge, from Sunday 13 – Saturday 19 June 2021




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