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Please pray for India and Bangladesh

The NCCA has received prayer requests from the National Councils of India and Bangladesh.

We ask that Australian churches take a moment to reflect and pray with us for the people of these countries in the midst of the COVID crisis.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 

National Council of Churches in India (NCCI)

The NCCI General Secretary, Rev Asir Ebenezer, in recent correspondence with the NCCA have made the request to "continue to mobilise prayer support for us among your constituents and support us in whatever way you can. "....

"It's a difficult time for all of us. In India the situation is compounded by the large numbers. A large number discovered to be infected all at once has thrown the system out of gear altogether. This time round the Church is finding it difficult to cope with the crisis. Depleted resources and drained energies have pushed the Church and Christian organisations to the limits."

Rev Asir continues, "We have lost some of our best people, leaders and members alike. Some of my colleagues in the NCCI have also been tested positive and are under treatment. One of them is very critical and in ICU. Yet we need to put up a brave front. The Government also expects a lot from churches, Christian organisations and church run hospitals." 

Rev Asir admits that many of the NCCI staff have been affected and that they are working in challenging situations in Nagpur and Delhi. Their mission hospitals, marginalised communities. are in dire need of essentials such as dry ration kits, PPE and other safety equipment, distribution of medicines to persons with HIV who cannot reach government facilities, support to persons with disabilities and persons with different sexual orientations and gender identities.

"The needs this time is compounded by health needs and strengthening medical infrastructure as well. Oxygen concentrators, oxygen regeneration plants, PPE kits to medical personnel in mission hospitals treating the poor and the middle income groups, subsidising the cost of medicines for the poor and mission workers, Provisioning ambulances, are some of the other challenges staring us in the face."

Bishop Philip Huggins, President National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) has assured Rev Asir that support and prayers are being offered for the people of India throughout Australia.

Please uphold the NCCI in your prayers, their leaders, clergy and NCCI member churches as they minister to their people at this very difficult time. 



Next week from 9 - 15 May 2021, the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer Cycle includes prayers for India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. The following week 16 - 22 May 2021 we pray for Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal

The following is a prayer taken from the WCC page : Next week we pray for: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

Prayer from India:

When everything around seems to be collapsing into injustice and chaos

Creator God, teach us to love you

and to recognize that you hold the earth gently in your hands.

When we do not know just what to do and where to turn,

teach us to trust your wisdom,

so that we can discern your presence in events around us.

When we become unforgiving and vindictive,

teach us to grasp your tenderness,

and forgive us for all we do wrong.

When violence, fear and hatred seem to overtake us,

teach us to receive your compassion,

and steer our lives in the ways of justice and peace.

When we think we can go it alone,

teach us to depend on your grace,

so that with patience and persistence we can transform the world.

But most of all,

teach us to appreciate your goodness,

for in you we have new life!

National Council of Churches in Bangladesh (NCCB)

Rev David Das, NCCB General Secretary and Bishop Samuel S Nahkhin, NCCB President, sent the NCCA a letter of request to join the Interfaith Prayers. In the letter they outline the hardship and emotion turmoil people face as they deal with a daily increasing death toll. They are extremely grateful for all our prayers at this vulnerable time, "as we pray together for the hope of healing the world with the blessing of our Almighty."

"We are immensely grateful to you all for your cordial participation and united prayers. We are very much optimistic that in coming days NCCB will always have you beside us in times of needs and any difficulties." NCCB General Secretary, Rev David A Das.  

The Lord is my light and my salvation—

    whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the stronghold of my life—

    of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

WCC, CCA grieve and pray with churches in India as COVID-19 surges

In a pastoral letter, the World Council of Churches (WCC) and Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) expressed their concern, grief, and prayerful solidarity with the churches in India as COVID-19 surges in South Asian countries.

Read the full text of the joint pastoral letter of the WCC and CCA here.




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