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Pray for the peace of Jerusalem


   Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:

   “May those who love you be secure.

May there be peace within your walls

    and security within your citadels.”

For the sake of my family and friends,

    I will say, “Peace be within you.”

For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,

   I will seek your prosperity.   Psalm 122:6-9 

Our prayers for Jerusalem join those of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, in Europe and around the world.

World Council of Churches

Christian delegation stands in solidarity with people of Sheikh Jarrah (WCC press release of 17 May 2021) 

WCC shares condolences with DanChurchAid, Norwegian Church Aid in wake of tragic loss of lives in Gaza (WCC press release of 17 May 2021)

WCC laments “precious lives lost,” abhors violence affecting places of worship in Holy Land (WCC press release 12 May 2021) 

Statement of the WCC acting general secretary on Israel and Palestine (WCC - 12 May 2021) 

WCC calls for end to violence, urges respect of status quo of holy sites in Jerusalem (WCC press release 08 May 2021) 

Jerusalem Churches

Patriarchs and Heads of Jerusalem Churches express concern for Al-Aqsa Mosque worshippers and Sheikh Jarrah families (WCC press release 11 May 2021) -  

Latin Patriarchate reacts to recent violence in Jerusalem  Source: Latin Patriarchate reacts to recent violence in Jerusalem (lpj.org)



Over the last week we have all watched the harrowing scenes in Gaza. Deadly airstrikes across the city are bringing entire buildings to the ground, with innocent civilians stuck beneath the rubble. Children, mothers and fathers are being injured and killed – it’s terrifying. Our partner on the ground runs health clinics providing vital medical support to some of Gaza’s most vulnerable neighbourhoods. They have asked us for urgent help to keep up with the demand as the number of injured people increases each day. 

More than 200 Palestinians, including more than 60 children and 34 women have been killed in the series of airstrikes, with 1,500 wounded. In Israel, 12 people have died. 

Please give urgently today


NCCA expresses support in calls for peace in Jerusalem

In a letter to the Australian Foreign Minister, Senator Marise Payne and Chair of the Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Aid Sub-committee and former Australian Ambassador to Israel, Hon Dave Sharma on 13 May 2021, the General Secretary Ms Liz Stone expressed the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) support of the calls of Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem who have called upon the International Community, the Churches and all people of goodwill to intervene in order to put an end to the provocative actions in East Jerusalem that have escalated to full-on armed conflict and the death of civilians including 14 children. 

Act for Peace, the aid agency of the NCCA, is in contact with it’s community health care providing partner in Palestine (DSPR - Gaza) where all families in Gaza are living in fear during this escalating crisis. They report that the situation on the ground is horrific.  

For this reason NCCA asks the Australian Government to do everything in its influence towards de-escalating the current deadly violence. 

The historic position of the Churches in Jerusalem is clear with regards to their denouncement of any attempt which makes Jerusalem an exclusive city for anyone. This is a city sacred to the monotheistic religions and, based on international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, also a city where the Palestinian people, Christians and Muslims, have the same right to build a future based on freedom, equality and peace. The Patriarchs and heads of churches have also called for the utmost respect for the historic Status Quo of all Holy Places, including Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound. 

At the NCCA we try to maintain an ongoing dialogue with peak Jewish and Muslim groups and with Palestinian groups seeking our support. We receive requests for advocacy from a range of points of view.  

In the 13 May 2021 letter to the Australian Government, NCCA reiterated the position of the Patriarchs and heads of churches of Jerusalem that international action is the only avenue to guarantee a comprehensive, just, and long-lasting peace in this part of the world that is considered Holy by the three Abrahamic Faiths.  The NCCA letter urges the Australian Government to work with other states committed to existing United Nations resolutions and the upholding of the established rules-based international order.  

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