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The Unity of the Church and its Histories

Invitation to Celebrate 15 Years of Ecumenical Studies in Bonn, Germany

Symposium - in person or virtually via zoom - to mark this significant occasion

When: 7-9 July 2022 

The NCCA has received the following invitation which we share below

Good afternoon and greetings from the program on Ecumenical Studies in Bonn!

From the 7-9 of July 2022, the Master of Ecumenical Studies (MESt) Program at the University of Bonn, Germany will celebrate its 15th anniversary with a symposium on "The Unity of the Church and its Histories". Prominent guest speakers from Togo, the UK, Brazil, South Korea and India among others will join in the conference festivities. 

The MESt is a research-oriented masters degree equipping students for research on the histories and presents of the Christian churches. Professors and lecturers from Protestant, Roman Catholic, Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian traditions all share in the teaching, and in the 15 years since its inauguration, the MESt has graduated students from numerous Christian traditions and over 36 different countries.

You are warmly invite to join us - in person or virtually via zoom - to mark this significant occasion. (Register for free) It would be quite special for all of us in Bonn to celebrate this occasion with as many colleagues, partners and friends from academic and ecumenical settings as possible, for two reasons: First, we recognize that the "ecumenical" is fundamentally interpersonal and cooperative, and we would like to contextualize our looking-back on the past fifteen years in the larger community of ecumenists and institutions who have also been actively engaged in similar efforts during this time. Second, rooted in the same recognition, we would like to more intentionally cultivate co operations and networks for the next fifteen years and beyond.

Finally, it would also be wonderful if you could share the attached materials in your networks, social media! 


pdf WDTD 3 Poster und Program (764 KB)

image MESt Poster 001(for Web) (270 KB)



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