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Act for Peace

Ration Challenge 2022

Sunday 19 – Saturday 25June 2022

The Ration Challenge is only a few weeks away. 

For one week in June, thousands of people across Australia will eat the same rations as a Syrian refugee in Jordan — just a small amount of rice, lentils, flour, chickpeas, beans, fish and oil — to raise awareness about the situation facing refugees around the world, whilst also raising money to provide emergency food, healthcare and life-saving support.  

The last few years have been hard, this year particularly so as we watch the news continuing to come out of Ukraine, where more than 10 million people have now fled their homes

It’s a heart-breaking situation, and sometimes we feel hopeless. But there ARE things that we can do. The Ration Challenge provides a powerful way to not just give, but to DO. And there is power in doing. 


This year, some of the money you raise through the Ration Challenge will support families from Ukraine who have been forced from their homes. You’ll be helping provide the physical and emotional support needed by mothers like Natalia*, who fled her home in Ukraine with her two children when their village was destroyed. Natalia and her children are staying in a shelter in Lviv with about 150 other displaced people.  

(left) Natalia and her children. Photo Credit: Antti Yrjönen   * Name has been changed to protect identity  

Not only that, but you’ll be helping to support Syrian refugees, living in Jordan. Women like Farah*, who arrived in Jordan with almost nothing nine years ago, after war reached their village. 

Find out more

Through the support of the Ration Challenge, Farah and her family received vital food rations, enabling her to put a small amount of money aside to pursue her business idea. She now has a small business making and selling cheese, and is no longer reliant on rations, so is able to pay school fees, buy essentials, and support her children’s education. 

Sign up here

Through the Ration Challenge, you’ll also be supporting other communities around the world who have been impacted by conflict or disaster. And you’ll be raising awareness of the challenging situations facing refugees day after day.   

The Ration Challenge is a powerful experience that makes a real and tangible difference in the lives of refugees and displaced people around the world.  

(right) Farah in her kitchen. Photo Credit: Karen McGrath/Act for Peace.  * Name has been changed to protect identity.


If you think you are up for the challenge this year, we’d love to have you join. 

Join the challenge 

Eat rations. Raise money. Save lives.

You can find out more information by visiting our website, or sign up now

Want to learn more? You can find out all about the challenge on the website, at actforpeace.rationchallenge.org.au. 

Thank you! 


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