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May 2024 Issue 1

 " I ask not only on behalf of these but also on behalf of those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one....so that the world may believe that you have sent me." John 17:20-21

There is a spirit that enlivens the ecumenical journey....Unity is a spiritual practice of learning and discovery, undergirded by prayer.

WCC General Secretary asks:

  • “What is God calling Christians and the Christian Church to do today?"
  • "Whose and what voices are we listening to?” 

“Christians need to stand up for justice and we need to stand together. In unity is our strength".  Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches.

Lunchtime Online Prayer and Reflection

You are warmly invited to join the NCCA online to mark the 2024 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

When: Thursday 16 May 2024 at 12:30pm (AEST) 

Duration: 45-50 minutes


ACRT activities

  • SAVE THE DATE: Online Ecumenical Service in Refugee Week.  All welcome! When: Thursday 20 June 7:30pm AEST, 7pm ACST and 5:30pm AWST. 
  • UPDATE: recent ACRT submission to the Senate Inquiry on the Migration Bill

AfPx150Help rebuild lives

There's a unique power in hope – it can help to reshape futures and rebuild lives. 

Your support, prayers and practical help could not be more vital today. 

National Reconciliation Week 

27 May – 3 June 2024 #NRW2024

  • 2024 Theme: Now More Than Ever. Resources now available
  • First Nations Theology and History publications available from MediaCom

Bishops call for peace in Middle East

"The violence in the Holy Land has shaken many people around the world."

The peace statement was endorsed at the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference plenary meeting in Sydney on May 8, 2024.

Resources and Prayers

May is recognised as National Domestic Violence Prevention Month, highlighting the impact of domestic and family violence in Australia.

Alarmingly, in Australia, one out of every three women will encounter physical violence in their lifetime.

WCC s2Towards Nicaea 2025 

  • WCC invites fellowship: Preparing for the Faith and Order World Conference

  • WCC Publication: 2025 – An Ecumenical Year on the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity

Pacific Day of Prayer 2024

May 2024

May the spirit of Ecumenism be in our midst as we worship our God together.


Asia Sunday 12 May 2024

Theme: Myanmar: God of Hope, Fill Us With Joy and Peace’

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) is urging its member churches to observe Asia Sunday, this coming Sunday, 12 May 2024. 

Wellbeing Economy Symposium 

All welcome! A day to exchange perspectives on an economy that is focused on wellbeing rather than GDP.

When: Friday 24 May 2024, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm AEST

Where: St Martha's, 38 Renwick St, Leichhardt NSW

Certificate of Philosophical Competency  

Pasifika 'Whole of Life' Philosophies for a New Development Consciousness.

A two week intensive course designed for Pasifika scholars from doctoral candidates to early career researchers embarking on research with Pasifika communities.

When: 20 July - 2 August 2024

Where: Pacific Theological College, Suva, Fiji Islands

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Give now to the work of the NCCA. Just click on the donate button.  

The one who blesses others is abundantly blessed.

(Prov.11:25 The Message)

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