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National Reconciliation Week

Free Webinar

In conversation with Pastor Ray Minniecon- After the Referendum: Where to from now?

The Edmund Rice Centre warmly invites you to join a conversation with Rev. Dr (Hon) Ray Minniecon, an Aboriginal pastor with roots in the Kabi-Kabi and Gurang-Gurang tribes of Queensland.

When: Thursday 30 May at 5:00 pm AEST 

Where: Online or in person at the Edmund Rice Centre Balmain, NSW(2 Thames St, Balmain)

The Edmund Rice Centre are honoured to welcome Pastor Ray Minniecon as a new member of our Edmund Rice Centre Advisory Committee.


  • To attend in person please RSVP directly to Corinne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  (note that in-person attendance is limited and will be on a first-in, first-served basis). There will be a light dinner after the event.
  • To attend online only, please register here. 

More information

Rev. Dr (Hon) Ray Minniecon is an Aboriginal pastor with roots in the Kabi-Kabi and Gurang-Gurang tribes of Queensland. Ray is also a descendant of the South Sea Islander people with connections to the people of Ambrym Island.  Ray lives in Sydney and has dedicated his life to starting churches, supporting members of the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal People. Ray’s biography lists many roles and achievements, including School Boards and Community Boards, Australian founder of NAIITS Australia, Pastor and founder of Scarred Tree Ministries, Glebe.

Pastor Ray's presentation will seek to address the following:

"Post-Referendum, the vision and leadership from our political and religious institutions appears to be completely eradicated for Indigenous peoples' future aspirations. We were hoping for recognition, respect and honour of our unique God-given identity as the original custodians of our lands and territories. We are now feeling dejected and unworthy to live with dignity and honour in our own country and communities. It seem like Our leadership politically, socially, spiritually and mentally has been muted. It will take years to recover.  We now have no vision and no leadership. Just dismay, anger and a bleak future. Where to now? What are the new barriers to true reconciliation?"

Edmund Rice Centre 









Coming to Terms with Climate Change and the Shift to the Anthropocene 

Engaging in the discourse of the “Anthropocene”

The aim of this conference is to engage the discourse of the “Anthropocene” in order to explore what theology – broadly conceived – might add to what must be a multidisciplinary discussion. 

  • How might the resources of our traditions engage this discussion in a creative and meaningful way?
  • In what fashion does theology re-shape the contour of the discussion and provoke exploration in new vistas? 


Registrations close Sunday 3 September, 2023. 

Register: on Eventbrite here - more information can be found here also

Conference Dates

Conference Starts: Wednesday, 13 September at 1:00 p.m.

Conference Closes:  Thursday, 14 September at 4:30 p.m.


United Theological College, 16 Masons Drive North Parramatta NSW 

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