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Our People – John Gilmore, Act for Peace

Our People – John Gilmore, Act for Peace

John Gilmore is the currently the Chair of the Act for Peace Commission (AfP). John has over 20 years’ service with NCCA, and has held the role of chair previously when the commission was known by its former name, Christian World Service. He is also a past treasurer of the commission, taking part in the Finance committee of NCCA. John has been associated with the work of the NCCA since its formation back in 1994. It is clear that John’s passion and commitment to international aid has endured the test of time.

John says that he cannot remember a time that he has not been involved in raising money for less privileged people. It seems he was nurtured from an early age to care for the disadvantaged in the community and overseas. “It was the rhythm of the family”, he says of his past. Together with his family they would raise money by eating a meal consisting of just rice, a “starvation meal” he refers to it as. It is this kind of personal involvement that has given John the motivation to continue in this work and offer his skills and experience to AfP.

Outside of his involvement with the NCCA and AfP, John is the Executive Officer of Global Mission Partners(GMP), the International aid, church mission and indigenous ministry organisation of the Churches of Christ. John is committed to ecumenical identity as well as international aid. This interest was fostered early in life by his father, a Church of Christ minister and former President of Australian Council of Churches (now NCCA) and involved with the World Council of Churches. John continues this tradition of organisational ministry activities modelled by his father.

John finds his involvement in the cause of ecumenical identity and international aid immensely fulfilling and, needless to say, it fills his time to capacity. Between his work with AfP and GMP a common theme is seeking to ensure good governance which then enables both organisations to be fit for active ministry and service.

In his down time, John gets great satisfaction from making things with his hands and seeing the results of his efforts. He has just completed one house renovation and is looking forward to beginning his next, a residence in the country. With all this hard work it is comforting to know that John also lists cooking and travel amongst his favourite leisure activities.

John says his inspiration comes from the example set by Jesus. He is humbled by the depth of humanity that Jesus demonstrated and awed by the mystery of being fully human yet present in God. On a lighter and worldlier level, John can become quite enthusiastic when speaking of his favourite musician, Leonard Cohen.

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