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Interfaith News

Iranian Baha’i leader released in Tehran

We rejoice with our friends of The Australian Baha’i Community in the news of the release of Mrs Fariba Kamalabadi.

Mrs Kamalabadi, a Baha’i leader, has been imprisoned in Evin Prison, Tehran since her arrest on 14 May 2008. Along with six other Yaran ( spiritual friends) she was sentenced to prison for 10 years on the charge of espionage and “spreading propaganda against the regime.”

Ms Mahvash Sabet, a fellow Yaran, was released in September 2017. Five male colleagues still remain imprisoned in Gowhardasht Prison in Karaj.

We pray for their safe release as they complete their sentences in the coming months.

The Baha’i in Iran

The persecution of Baha’is in Iran continues unabated, and approximately 100 Baha’is remain in prison due to their faith.

In the past ten days, some 47 Baha’i-owned shops around the country were sealed off by the authorities because their owners observed the Baha’i holy day being celebrated by Baha’is around the world on 21 October. These individuals now face an uncertain future deprived of their livelihoods.

Just last week, 19 Baha’is were arrested in Kermanshah, Tehran and Birjand, and the homes of 25 Baha’is were raided.

It is hoped that the Iranian government can be encouraged to take steps to remove discriminatory policies and bring this persecution to an end.
Your prayers are very much appreciated.

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