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In Memoriam

Beverley Anne Hicks 30 September 2017

Beverley passed away, aged 89 years. Bev Hincksx300

Affectionately known as Bev, she worked alongside her husband Kevin, in the areas of Ecumenism, Interfaith Relations and Inter-church Families.

Bev was actively engaged in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, a valued member to the diocesan contact group for the Council for Australian Catholic Women (CACW) and was a critical part of the Ecumenical and Interfaith Council. She loved her ecumenical life and devoted much of her time to pursuing the common beliefs and practices which many Christians share. Her husband Kevin, an Anglican, shared her love of the ecumenical movement and has given equally of his time and energy to pursuing the same dream.

Bev’s attendance at the World Council of Churches in Canberra in 1991 led to the formation of Action of Churches Together in Solidarity in Newcastle. Bev also served on the NSW Ecumenical Council Executive for 13 years.

Bev’s presence will be missed by many.

May she rest in the loving arms of God.

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Bev and Kevin Hicks with Bishop Michael Malone

Read why Bev was so inspirational.

With thanks to Teresa Brierley of the Catholic Dioscese of Maitland-Newcastle for the information and images above.

Read the full Tuesdays with Teresa article here.

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