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Invitation to Prayer

PTW logox150

Manus Island

Let us pray for the asylum seekers and refugees that remain in the detention centre.

The detention centre was officially closed on October 31 and detainees were removed. However there remains a number of men still living on the Island in squalid conditions and in fear of their health and safety.

Protest marches are being held around Australia as people call on the Federal Government to assist the remaining refugees at the Manus Island detention centre.

As this humanitarian crisis worsens, we plead with the Australian Government to bring the men here.

Sutherland Springs, Texas

Let us pray for the people of the Wilson County community, grieving for the loss of loved ones after a gunman open fired on worshippers in the First Baptist Church.

The tragedy occurred last Sunday 5 November, just 20 minutes into the worship service. 26 people were shot dead. The gunman was later found dead in his vehicle.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said, "We are dealing with the largest mass shooting in our state's history". 

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