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Christian Conference of Asia


Myanmar Church Leader Rev Dr Yam Kho Pay mourned

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The Rev. Dr. Yam Kho Pau

The Rev. Dr. Yam Kho Pau passed away on Sunday 25 November 2018 in Yangon. He was a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the immediate past General Secretary of the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC)

the General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) Dr. Mathews George Chunakara offered condolences to his bereaved family and the members of the MBC. He paid tribute to Rev. Dr. Yam Kho Pau, stating and stated that Dr. Pau “was deeply committed to the mission and witness of the Church in Myanmar”, and “always demonstrated his passion for wider ecumenism and inter-faith dialogue”.

The funeral service for Dr. Pau was held on 27 November 2018, at the Chin Baptist Church, Yangon, Myanmar.

Read the full CCA news item CCA mourns the passing of Myanmar Church Leader Rev. Dr. Yam Kho Pau here.    

CCA Consultation - Empowering Asian Women to Combat Gender Based Violence

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Participants at the Morning Worship and Theological Reflection Session led by Dr. Susan Thomas.

A three-day Consultation focused on the theme ‘Transforming the World and Building Peace’ was part of a new programme initiative – Ecumenical Women’s Action against Violence (EWAAV).

Participants at the Consultation have urged churches and ecumenical councils to “encourage women and men to work together in a common platform to achieve the goal of gender equality and elimination of violence against women”. Saying, “We need to find ways to re-write the stories of our own faith and witness in contemporary contexts, and we should not allow bitterness and disappointment to influence our lives”.

Read the CCA Consultation news article here  

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