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FRANC Summit report


Financial Representatives of Australian National Churches (FRANC)

On the 17th and 18th of October 43 participants from around Australia participated in the third FRANC summit in Melbourne. This was launched with a dinner featuring Professor Patrick Parkinson speaking on religious freedom. He emphasised that current legislation permits exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, noting the Ruddock review seems to narrow these. “Freedom for Faith” is advocating for a positive religious freedom act, rather than one centred on exemptions. His presentation triggered a lively Q and A.

On the 18th Mark Sneddon presented on the banking Royal Commission and the possible implications for church funds. Allen Kupke from the Lutheran Laypeople’s League presented a case study on how they achieved a banking licence (ADI).

A panel then gave short presentations around risk: social media risk (Lisa Bui), responding to reputational risks in the media (Shane Healey) and some issues impacting the church finance sector (Steve Slade).

Will Popp then gave a presentation on an IT shared services model for the Religious Charitable Development Funds of various Catholic Diocese.
The afternoon involved breakout groups to explore potential collaboration in the areas of banking, corporate services and property. This involved lively conversations.

The day finished with feedback from the breakout groups and a desire to continue to collaborate in church support services.

There will be a gathering of church insurance representatives on the 15th of February in Melbourne Robert White Hall, 156 Collins Street, Melbourne. Please encourage those with an interest in church insurance to participate in this next collaborative event.

Many thanks to the FRANC committee (Matthew Cassin, Stuart Campbell, David Patterson, David Pietsch) and our MC (Richard Shrapnel) for their hard work, and to the CDF Melbourne for their generous underwriting of the FRANC summit.

FRANC 1FRANC 2Particpants at the FRANC Summit



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