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NCCA President's reflection

Bishop Philip Huggins delivered a theological reflection on the first day of the Regional Consultation on Migration, Trafficking in Persons and the Asian Diaspora held in Bangkok, Thailand. The Consultation, held on 12 - 14 November 2018, was organised by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) of which the NCCA is a member. 

In his biblical-theological reflection, Bishop Huggins speaks of sustaining spirituality, in the aftermath of the misuse of power. 

"Always it is a matter of power and how this is utilised, under God who, in Jesus, gives us clear teaching as in Matthew 25. 'Insofar as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me'. That is, care for people with life-giving compassion, in the grace of Jesus."

In his reflection, Bishop Huggins offers the following three suggestions to help this journey of faith:

  1. We need a sober recognition of humankind’s learnings about reconciliation.
  2. The careful, intentional cultivation of friendship across the religions and cultures.
  3. Prayer and meditation.

Click on the PDF link to read Bishop Huggins' biblical-theological reflection to the  pdf CCA Consultation Bangkok Nov 2018 (1.13 MB)  in full 

Visit the CCA website to read the CCA news article CCA’s Regional Consultation addresses Migration, Human Trafficking, and the Asian Diaspora

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Pictured left and below, participants at the Consultation


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