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Catholic Leaders visit Asylum Seekers in PNG

Visit affirms need for safe pathways for asylum seekers

A group of Australian Catholic leaders show solidarity with, advocate for, and gather information on those seeking asylum by visiting and talking with some of the men that have been removed from Manus Island to Papua and New Guinea (PNG). 

The visit was coordinated by Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) and facilitated by the Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG and Solomon Islands. It affirms the value of the work that the Catholic Church, along with other church communities across Australia, is doing in finding alternate and safe pathways for detainees and asylum seekers.

“It was both heart wrenching and inspiring to meet and speak with some of the men who have now been taken from Manus Island to Port Moresby after six years of being placed there by the Australian government. We listened to and experienced the fierce intelligence of Behrouz Boochani and other advocates. In seemingly equal measures we saw political awareness, curiosity, sadness and desperation in the men we spoke with.”  Carolina Gottardo, co-convener of CAPSA said.

CAPSA have indicated that there are a set of actions coming out of the visit. Meetings with parliamentarians are being arranged by the group, as well as trying to open up conversations regarding complementary pathways.  

To continue to tell the story:

Read the CAPSA Media Release  http://capsa.org.au/wp-content/uploads/MR-PNG-visit-affirms-need-for-safe-secure-pathways-for-refugees.pdf 

Read the CPSA article from the delegation here: https://capsa.org.au/catholic-delegation-visits-png-refugees/

Pictured: The visiting Australians, outside the Catholic Bishops Conference PNG with Caritas PNG staff 

  • Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Chairman of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Commission for Social Justice – Mission and Service, Bishop of Parramatta 
  • Sr Mary-Clare Holland op, Council member of Catholic Religious Australian, Prioress, Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia and the Solomon Islands 
  • Fr Tom McDonough cp, Council member of Catholic Religious Australia, Provincial Superior, Passionist Congregation, Holy Spirit Province (Aus, NZ, PNG, VN) 
  • Fr Peter Smith, Promoter of Justice and Peace from the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney 
  • Fr Gerry Heffernan of St Joseph and St Anthony Parish, Bracken Ridge in Brisbane 
  • Carolina Gottardo, co-convener of CAPSA and Director of Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS Australia)
  • Josh Lourensz, National Coordinator - CAPSA
How you can help

The Medevac repeal bill could be voted on in the next few days.

ACTION: Sign a petition encouraging the current provision to remain in place, click the link below.


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