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Pacific Church Leaders meet in Suva, Fiji

Cooperation needed to meet the challenges we face   

A summary and reflection from Bishop Philip Huggins 

Pacific Church Leaders gathered at the Pacific Theological College, in Suva, Fiji from Wednesday 6 November through to Sunday 10 November 2019. The meeting was convened by the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) to discuss major issues that are affecting the people of the Pacific Nations. It concluded with an Ecumenical Service on Sunday at which Bishop Huggins, an Anglican Bishop, was invited to preach.

Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President shares his summary with us.

“I discerned, in this meeting, a possibility for us to model the necessary quality of cooperation which is needed, as we now work together with collegial warmth, respectful listening and focused intentionality.” Affirms Bishop Huggins 

“We know our one human family must lift to unprecedented and sustained levels of cooperation, if we are to meet contemporary challenges.” 

(L) Bishop Philip Huggins shares NCCA Safe Churches' resources with Rev Bhagwan and a PCC staff member.  

In his summary Bishop Huggins expands on the following reflections: 

  1. Gratitude for the hospitality of hosts
  2. Recognition that there is much to celebrate and much to be grateful for 
  3. Comments on Australian Churches, their agencies and Australian Government in relation to the ‘Step Up’  agenda
  4. The possibility of the next annual meeting to be held in Australia in November 2020
  5. A report from Rev Bhagwan is to be made available soon and will include:
  • Preparation for COP 25 – realities in the Pacific in the face of the changing climate 
  • The consequences of nuclear testing and waste disposal in the Pacific, particularly in relation with climate change 
  • West Papua and hope for independence

The Suva meeting of Pacific Church Leaders concluded with an Ecumenical Service on Sunday which Bishop Huggins was invited to preach. 

Bishop Huggins closes his reflection,

""Together we can give a lot of hope. This is a wonderful way to conclude, trusting in each other’s prayers and good will.

In the name of the One who says, “I am the resurrection and the life” and with prayers of gratitude as I send this note to those named and to those who have encouraged our meeting."" 













A Climate Plea to Australia's Prime Minister

"...show moral courage and decency by putting the needs of innocent people over those of big business and vested interests" urges Rev James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches writing in the Sydney Morning Herald.

A churchman of the Pacific's sinking nations, Rev Bhagwan made his plea to Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison shortly before the PM's arrival in Tuvalu for the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting last week.

"Right now, Australia is doing far more than most to desecrate the precious gift that humanity has been given" says Rev Bhagwan.

Rev Bhagwan's article was published in The Sydney Morning Herald on 12 August 2019. Click the link below to read the article.

The Sydney Morning Herald - OPINION A climate plea to Scott Morrison from a churchman of the Pacific's sinking nations
By James Bhagwan



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