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Ecumenical News

World Council of ChurchesWCC s2 

16 Days against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

25 November to 10 December 

The 16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and ends on 10 December, Human Rights Day. This year, the World Council of Churches is highlighting the links between the household of God, and the fundamental need to make our homes safe and loving spaces.

More information 

A new Facebook profile frame developed by the WCC is helping people express their support for the upcoming “16 Days against Gender-Based Violence.”

The WCC invites everyone to pray with together each day and take actions that support women and vulnerable people more at risk of violence in their homes during COVID-19 lockdowns.


Interreligious Summer School Bossey 

Applications for the Interreligious Summer School of the WCC's Ecumenical Institute Bossey are open until 30 November 2020.

Event starts: 26 July 2021 - 10:35

Event ends: 14 August 2021 - 10:35

Location: Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland

More information: https://www.oikoumene.org/events/interreligious-summer-school-bossey-applications-open 

Intended to contribute to the issues of religious pluralism and intercultural acceptance in a society based on migration and globalization, the CAS in Interreligious studies aims at an international audience of young people (age between 20 and 35 years) interested and engaged interreligious dialogue, religious leaders, students, lay persons and professionals with a suitable level of religious literacy and/or experience in the field of interreligious dialogue and engagement, especially among the three Abrahamic religions.

To learn more, and to apply: Certificate of Advanced Studies in Interreligious Studies 


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021

Preparing the Week of Prayer 2021, the Community of Grandchamp in Switzerland chose the theme “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” (cf. Jn 15:5-9). It expresses their community’s vocation to prayer, reconciliation and unity in the church and the human family.

Worship resources and background material for the Northern Hemisphere can be found on the WCC Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 website

NB: The Week of Prayer in Australia will be held between Ascension Thursday, 13 May and Pentecost, Sunday, 23 May 2021.  Australian resources are being developed and will be available closer to this date.  


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