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Act for Peace


The Christmas Bowl

 Once again churches across Australia will be coming together this year to share God’s love through the Christmas Bowl appeal.

Like 2020 before it, 2021 was a year of turbulence and disruption. The coronavirus pandemic continued to impact us all, with congregations having to connect virtually, and many community members suffering.

And as is often the case, the impact was not felt evenly, with the poorest among us hit hardest, especially the 82 million people around the world uprooted from the stability of their homes by conflict or disaster, and the people caught up in the humanitarian crises caused by this year’s conflicts in Ethiopia, Myanmar, Gaza and the fall of Afghanistan.

In the midst of this division and chaos, the Christmas Bowl is a vital channel for expressing our unity in Christ. And it provides a powerful mechanism for sharing God’s love, with those who need it, through practical Christian action.

The Christmas Bowl is held in churches across Australia from November 21, Christ the King Sunday, to December 26, the first Sunday after Christmas. Some churches choose to celebrate the Christmas Bowl for each of the seven weeks, while others select one Sunday to take part. You can find out more, register, and download resources from the website: christmasbowl.actforpeace.org.au  

Thank you for being part of this important tradition, and helping to create a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong.

Visit the Christmas Bowl website 

Christ the King Sunday 20 November 2021 The Christmas Bowl of Remembrance

Sharing God’s love through the Christmas Bowl Christ the King Sunday resources 


2021 Advent Resource 

First Sunday of Advent: Hope

Bring hope to Indonesian families facing disaster.

Second Sunday of Advent: Peace

Restore peace to the hearts of Gaza’s children

Third Sunday of Advent: Joy

Bring Sri Lankan refugees the joy of homecoming

Fourth Sunday of Advent: Love

Share God’s love with Syrian families 

Christmas Day: Light of the World 

Bring light to the lives of Ethiopia’s urban refugees 


The Christmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA.  

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