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First Nations

2021 Dr Charles Perkins Memorial Oration

Why truth-telling and treaties are needed to reconcile Australia's past: was the topic of the keynote speech given by Tony McAvoy SC.

The event, organised by The University of Sydney, was held on Saturday 13 November and marked the 21st Anniversary of the Dr Charles Perkins Oration and Memorial Prize. 

The University of Sydney partnered with the ABC as the host broadcaster.     

"Our past, our connection to these lands and waters is such a profoundly spiritual affair that our identity and wellbeing depends on the maintenance and transmission of these connections," Mr McAvoy said.                                  

Tony McAvoy SC has used the 2021 Charles Perkins Memorial Oration to advocate for the establishment of truth commissions and treaties with Australia's First Peoples, labelling the often-used assertion that Aboriginal people should 'stop living in the past' as "not possible".

Read the full ABC article: Dr Charles Perkins Memorial Oration keynote speech sees Tony McAvoy SC advocate for truth commissions and treaties

Watch the Oration:  YouTube - https://youtu.be/A0ZnbRURAeY 

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