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Act for Peace


‘Gifts for Peace’ - Gift with purpose this year

2022 Catalogue is now available.   

Not only are Gifts for Peace among the easiest gifts you can purchase this Christmas, they are also the most meaningful! That’s because every gift is helping to transform the lives of men, women and children around the world.   

And there is something for everyone in this year’s catalogue.  

For example, if you have someone with a green thumb on your Christmas list this year, why not purchase a Farmer’s starter kit on their behalf? This gift will provide everything that a farmer in Zimbabwe needs to start planting and producing their own food using farming methods that are resilient to the effects of climate change.  

Or maybe you are searching for a gift for friend who loves to cook. Why not give them the gift of helping to feed a family by purchasing two weeks’ worth of emergency food rations for a Syrian refugee family living in Jordan?  

Are there some little ones on your list? Why not purchase one of the special gifts for kids, like medicine for sick children in Gaza? This special range of gifts comes with a beautiful postcard that your child, grandchild or loved one can colour in. It’s an incredible way to remind a child of the importance of sharing joy with others at Christmas.    

Ordering is easy!  Just follow these 3 easy steps: 

  1. Check out the full range of meaningful gifts here, and select something special for your everyone on your list.
  2. We will send you a card that is blank inside, so you can write a message for your loved one.  The back of the card will explain the program their gift is supporting, and the front will include a magnet which will serve as a reminder of the impact their gift is making.
  3. And most importantly, your gift will make a lasting difference for men, women and children in the community your gift is supporting.  

Whatever you choose, you can be sure your Gift for Peace will make a real difference. To order your Gift for Peace this Christmas click here or call 1800 025 101.   

Advent Resources

  (Above) Blessing of the Christmas Bowls ceremony held at St James Church, King Street, Sydney. St James extended an invitation to people from other churches to take part in this ecumenical celebration. Ben Littlejohn/Act for Peace.           

The 2022 Christmas Bowl resources are listed below.

For each week of advent, you can access worship resources, PowerPoint presentations and clip art to use with your congregation, either in person or online.

This year there are seven videos you can access for seven Sundays until the First Sunday after Christmas:

  1. Reign of Christ Sunday (Introduction)

  2. First Sunday of Advent (Hope)

  3. Second Sunday of Advent (Peace)

  4. Third Sunday of Advent (Joy)

  5. Fourth Sunday of Advent (Love)

  6. Christmas Day (Christmas) and

  7. First Sunday after Christmas (Thank you video).

You can also download additional resources to use at any time, including tree decorations, colouring sheets for children, posters and hymns.  

For all resource enquiries, please contact the Act for Peace Supporter Relations team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 1800 025 101.  

The Christmas Bowl 2022

Give Hope

Share God’s love with a refugee going hungry this Christmas.

   (Above) RefugePoint distributing food packages to refugees in Nairobi. Ben Littlejohn / Act for Peace.          

Since 1949, compassionate Christians like you have followed Rev Frank Byatt’s legacy, coming together each Christmas across Australia and the world to provide safety in exile for people forced from their homes by conflict and disaster. Your gift through the Christmas Bowl will support local partners to meet urgent needs and help create a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong.

Once again churches across Australia will be coming together this year to share God’s love through the Christmas Bowl appeal.

This year is already shaping up to be one of the toughest in recent memory. With the cost of living rapidly increasing for many of us, both here at home and abroad, there is much uncertainty about the future. 

The impacts of the climate crisis, rising inflation and the ongoing war in Ukraine are all contributing to growing food scarcity for many communities already uprooted by conflict and disaster around the world. This global food crisis is now pushing millions to the brink of famine with families in urgent need of food, care and lifesaving support. 

(Above) Mugisha*, who is a Congolese refugee, sits      with her two children inside of their one bedroom home on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. *Name has been changed for safety reasons. Tobin Jones / Act for Peace.  

In these difficult times, the Christmas Bowl not only expresses our unity in Christ, it provides a powerful way for Australian Christians to share hope through practical Christian action, led by our committed local partners working in the toughest conditions around the world. 

The Christmas Bowl is held in churches across Australia from November 20, Christ the King Sunday, to January 1, the first Sunday after Christmas. Some churches choose to celebrate the Christmas Bowl for each of the seven weeks, while others select one Sunday to take part. You can find out more, register, and download resources from the website: christmasbowl.actforpeace.org.au   

Thank you for being part of this important tradition, for backing displaced people and helping to create, together, a world where uprooted people have a safe place to belong. 

Visit: the Christmas Bowl website    

The C hristmas Bowl is the Christmas appeal of Act for Peace, the international aid agency of the NCCA.    

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