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Our Works - Act for Peace

Christmas Bowl 2016

Christmas Bowl 2016

Help plant seeds of hope this Christmas

In a world where too many people are facing pain, suffering and injustice, the Christmas Bowl appeal is still an essential act of compassion, just as it has been since its humble beginnings in 1949.

This year, we’re helping hard working families in Zimbabwe who are struggling to feed their children after suffering the worst drought in 35 years.

This Christmas, one third of families in Zimbabwe will be suffering severe hunger. 

You might know that Zimbabwe is in the midst of the worst drought in decades. For many conventional farmers, crops have failed for the third year in a row.  Farmers like Beauty, who can no longer sleep at night because she is so worried about how she will find food for her children.

“Living becomes difficult,” she said. “When there is no food, life becomes tough.”

Our Works - Act for PeaceYour support to the Christmas Bowl appeal is a tangible act of solidarity with hard working farming families in Zimbabwe who are unable to grow enough food to feed their children. With your generous support, our local partner is teaching farmers in Zimbabwe a new way of growing crops.  These techniques save lives by ensuring families like Beauty’s in Zimbabwe can grow enough food to eat, but there are so many more in need of help.

Your generous gift can help reach more farmers like Beauty with this life-changing program, so they can ensure a healthy and sustainable future for their family.






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