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Coming Events - Anti Poverty Week

Anti Poverty Week was established in Australia as an expansion of the UN's annual International Anti-Poverty Day on October 17.

In 2016 Anti Poverty Week will be held from the 16th to the 22nd of October.

Calendar of Activities in 2016

Find out what’s on in your state in, in your local area and at what time.

Get involved - Organise an activity

organise an activityget resourceshttp://www.antipovertyweek.org.au/tell-us-about-your-activity-2016

Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians.

Around the world, more than a billion people are desperately poor.

Organise or take part in an activity aimed to:

  • strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship
  • encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems.

If your Church or organisation is planning an activity during the week 16-22 October then the organisers at Anti-Poverty Week would like to hear about it. Just click the icon above


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