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Act for Peace

Act for Peace logo2016

Rohingya Crisis Appeal  

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya families need your help. 

Family homes, neighbourhoods and entire villages have been torched to the ground. People are being killed as they desperately try to flee for safety. Give a gift today and show the Rohingya people that you care

Already, more than 400,000 people are estimated to have crossed the border in Bangladesh seeking refuge from the violence. Those who have made it to Bangladesh are struggling to survive in extremely poor conditions, lacking access to even the most basic necessities. 

With the number of people seeking sanctuary in Bangladesh set to increase to over 500,000 over the coming days, your support is needed more than ever.

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Right now, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya families are being persecuted. Please help provide emergency shelter, food and protection for families suffering and fleeing persecution?

Donate today.


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