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Safe Church Program


Churches and religious organisations are responsible for maintaining the safety of all who are involved with their programs. Our ministries take place in the real world, with situations such as natural disasters, violent intruders and fire a possibility. While we hope to never have to use it, it is vital for every church or ministry site to have an evacuation plan and to practice it regularly.

In regards to emergency evacuation, one part of our commitment to safety is to create policies and procedures. The other part is putting it into practice!

Research shows that the best way to learn and remember something, especially when under duress, to practice practice practice!  Ideally you would do this at least once per year, with each ministry, location, or congregation.

Consider the following questions:

  • Would parents know whether to collect their children?
  • Would those with mobility limitations be able to access the exits?
  • Would visitors be able to follow emergency exit signs?Can a large group safely exit in possible darkness?
  • How are the persons in charge identified (such as a helmet and whistle)?

Create an ‘emergency supply kit’ which includes items that may be needed urgently, such as torches, whistles, coloured helmets or fluorescent vests, first aid kit, and so on. Keep important documents or external hard drives in a fire-proof safe.

If your church or ministry occurs in a remote place and/or where bush fire is a consideration, additional measures may be required, such as radios and drinking water.

Please contact the Safe Church Program if you have any questions about these matters via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 02 8259 0830. 


Safe Church Tip

Why bother practicing an emergency evacuation-?

The answer is… because nothing is more important than safety.

Have you ever had a fire drill at work or school? What about at church?

If there was any emergency at your church (such as fire, blackout or a violent intruder) would anyone know what to do, who should take charge, or how to get out safely? 

Email your ministry leader/pastor/deacon right now and request a practice emergency evacuation in your ministry context!  

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