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Invitation to Prayer

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Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Let us pray for the victims, their families, friends and people affected by the shootings at a concert on Sunday evening, 1 October.

Media continues to report on the shocking details of the night a lone gunman open fired on 22,000 festival goers. Over 50 people were killed and hundreds injured in the panic to exit the concert venue. The horrific shootout ended with the gunman taking his own life. 

In the many reports of the latest mass shooting in the USA to garner worldwide attention, we hear of peoples' bravery and selflessness. Amidst the mayhem and carnage, we witness the light of Christs' compassion. We see the best of humanity in the worst of situtations.

The debate on gun control has been reignited.

Rohingya Muslims

Let us pray for these people as they flee their homes, in the face of continued violence and persecution. 

The humanitarian atrocities continue in Myanmar. In the Rakhine region of Myanmar, the Burmese military continue to terrorise the Muslim minority. The atrocities are being described as 'Ethnic cleansing'.

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Act for Peace has set up an emergency appeal. Visit the webpage to find out more or make a donation.


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