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Act for Peace


Indonesia Emergency Appeal

Help the people of Sulawesi, Indonesia!

The sheer scale of this disaster is overwhelming, and still growing. Nearly 17,000 have been displaced, and over 1.5 million people have been affected.

More than 1,200 people have been confirmed dead, and many more are missing after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami struck central Sulawesi, Indonesia on Friday. Waves up to 6 meters high hammered the coastline, and aftershocks continue to strike the island.

The situation on the ground is dire. There are still people trapped beneath the rubble and entire villages are missing, presumed buried under concrete, mud, or washed out to sea. Many areas across northern Indonesia remain completely cut off, and food and water supplies are running low.

Act for Peace's partner on the ground is already doing everything possible to help people stay safe, assess the damage, and respond to those in urgent need.


In an emergency like this, a quick response can save lives. Please, give now and help deliver life-saving emergency assistance today.

For updates please click the Act Alliance logo on the right to be directed to their website.

In addition to Act for Peace team efforts, please see below other aid organisations that your church may also like to make a contribution to. Click the image to take you to their webpage.

 caritas logo  UNHCR
 UnitingWorldLogo  ADFA


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