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Ecumenical News

World Council of Churches

Prayers and action to overcome hunger

The WCC has released resources for the Churches Week of Action on Food - 15 - 22 October 2018

This is a week which also includes:

  • International Day of Rural Women - 15 October
  • World Food Day -16 October 
  • International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - 17 October
  • Anti-Poverty Week (Nationally) - 14-20 October 

Access the resources on the WCC website 


WCC General Secretary 'Poverty and Inequality in a Time of Climate Change'

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Rev. Dr Olave Fyske Tveit speaks at the Community of Sant'Egidio in Bologna, Italy. The Sant’Egidio meeting with the theme “Bridges of peace” is took place from 14-16 October.

In his speech, Tveit clarifies the link between Poverty and climate change.

"Today, however, we cannot talk about poverty and inequality without talking about the other immense challenge confronting our generation: climate change."

Read the full speech by Rev. Dr Olav Fyske Tveit 'Poverty and Inequality in a Time of Climate Change'

Read the WCC article WCC general secretary speaks on link between poverty and climate change

photo: Community of Sant'Egidio

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