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APRO Interfaith statement


Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO) has released a statement in response to the attack on the Hindu Temple in Regents Park, NSW on 14 October 2018. 

The NCCA, along with the Hindu Council of Australia and other member of APRO would like to share with you the following message from the statement released on 18 October 2018.

"We, leaders and representatives of faith-based organisations in Australia, condemn the shameful attack on the Hindu Temple in Regents Park, NSW on 14 October 2018.

Attacks on religious institutions are intolerable and shameful.

Australia enjoys and celebrates religious diversity and is rightly recognised as a leading example of fairness, tolerance and inter-communal harmony and cooperation and it is incumbent upon us to do our best to ensure that incidents such as this are exposed for what they are, and the perpetrators punished.

We call upon the police to make every effort to speedily identify the culprit/s and for the courts to deal with any guilty party promptly and appropriately.

We further call on our political leaders to publicly and unambiguously condemn the attack".

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