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Ecumenical appointment - ARCIC


ACU academic appointed to the Anglican- Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC)

Australian, Dr Emmanuel Nathan has been formally appointed by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity to the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC).

Dr Nathan is the National Head of School of Theology and senior lecturer at the Australian Catholic University in biblical studies and the comparative study of sacred texts in the Abrahamic traditions. He says of the appointment, “I am deeply humbled by the invitation and am looking forward to being of service to this commission in its great work to build bridges of understanding and dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion."

Read the 18 October ACU Media Release

The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) is the official body appointed by the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion to engage in theological dialogue in order that they may come into visible unity and full ecclesial communion. It was established in 1967 by Pope Paul VI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael Ramsey.

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