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Modern Slavery Bill update


Our friends at The Freedom Partnership have advised us of the progress of the Modern Slavery Bill 2018. NCCA also received an update on the Joint Letter to the Prime Minister from leaders of civil society, business, investors, academics and faith-based organisations, in support of the Bill.

Modern Slavery Bill 2018

The bill passed the House in September and was listed in the Senate the week beginning 15 October. However, there are several bills ahead of it so it is unlikely debate will begin this month. Senate estimates will begin the week of 22 October. The Senate resumes for one week on 12 November with two more sitting weeks remaining this year (26 Nov-6 Dec).

It is expected that several amendments will be introduced in the Senate, including Labor's amendments which were defeated in the House vote. The Government has signalled it will endeavour to "strengthen" the bill to address concerns about non-compliance, but there are no specifics available on what that will be. The statutory officer remains a live issue and several members of this coalition remain actively involved in lobbying for the bill to include such a role. This is to ensure the bill is more than just a reporting requirement and provides a basic platform on which to engage with the range of domestic policy issues raised during 2017's Modern Slavery in Australia inquiry.

With more detail, it will be possible to organise potential action. When this information becomes available we will pass this on through our networks. 


Joint letter action to the PM

The Prime Minister has yet to respond to the joint letter, however a few of the Ministers and other parliamentarians did respond to acknowledge receipt and to thank us for our correspondence on this important matter.

Similarly, when a response is received from the Prime Minister, we shall pass this on through our networks. 




Download the final version of the Joint Letter to the Prime Minister for your reference.

Refer to our previous Newsletter article in September on the Modern Slavery Bill for more information on the Joint Letter.

Read the 2017 report from the Government Inquiry into Modern Slavery – Hidden in plain sight

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