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Message from the Secretariat

The NCCA offices were pleased to host a group of Traditional Land Owners on Wednesday 17 October. They had travelled from their lands in the Northern Territory and had just attended the Origin Energy AGM to explain to its shareholders that consent had not been gained from Traditional Land Owners for fracking on their land in the Betaloo Basin.

The small group of four, seek to achieve recognition of their ‘claim to be consented’. Origin Energy have plans in process to mine gas on their land. Approval has been received from the Northern Territory Government and the Lands Council, but no Traditional owners were consented in this approval process. The group also raised concerns regarding fracking, a contentious and potentially harmful method of extracting gas from their shale rich soil.

The group hails from communities in Elliot and Mataranka, in the region of the Betaloo Basin and the planned gas mine. Origin Energy know the land in the Betaloo Basin is rich. What they each spoke to the NCCA about is that large companies cannot be aware of how this land is central to the lives of the people of these Traditional communities. The afternoon was spent discussing the real wealth of this land, its beauty and rarity. We were able to hear firsthand the value that the Traditional owners place on their land. A land that is in the care of people with a unique connection to the land, rich in history, rich in culture and tradition.

Members of the group not only spoke of their connection to the land but also their fear for the contamination of the water supply, so necessary for life to exist on this land.

The small group admitted that they were well received by Origin Energy and its shareholders. They were given a chance to share their concerns and present a petition on behalf of hundreds of signatories. They were welcomed and listed to but were then given the assurance that the mining process would not harm their land. However, their concerns remain, they are eager to ensure that the land is left in its natural state for future generations.

For more background information on the Traditional Owners visit to the Energy Origin AGM read the ABC news item published 16 October 2018.

Read the NITV article Destroying country Elders protest fracking

The NCCA will keep in touch with the group and have promised to pass on any information and actions that we receive to our member churches. Together we can join our voices and prayers to assist these wonderfully humble people to make an impact upon the decisions of large corporatations like Origin Energy.

L-R  Noelene Osora,NCCA EA, Karinna,group spokesperson  Stuart Nugget, Stephanie Roberts and May August, Traditional owners with  Rose and Wies, Quakers

October is proving to be an extremely busy, eventful and exciting month at NCCA. This last week has seen the General Secretary and President travel to Canberra to visit the Minister for Immigration and his shadow Minister and release two Media Statements.

Access the news item and Media releases here.

The following events will take place in the coming weeks:

Areej Masoud – Palestinian Christian 26 October

NCCA Assembly Roundtable– Performance Appraisal Frameworks for Clergy and church worker 31 October

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