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Eremos Gathering and AGM - NSW

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Religion and Justice: Uncomfortable partners or Natural allies?

A presentation by Rev Rod Bower, Rector of Gosford Anglican parish and social activist.

Rev Rod Bower's presentation will be followed by afternoon tea and the Eremos Annual General Meeting

Father Rod Bower, who is also Archdeacon for Justice Ministries and Chaplaincy in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle, is a passionate advocate for a number of social justice and human rights issues, including climate change and marriage equality. He believes that our treatment of Asylum Seekers, the lack of action on climate change and the failure to adequately recognise First Nations people damages our corporate soul. 

Date: Saturday 9 November, 2:00 - 4:30 pm. 

Venue: Metropolitan Community Church, 96 Crystal Street, Petersham, NSW

Cost: $15 or $10 Concession, paid at the door. Includes Afternoon Tea. If you are planning to bring a group please email events@eremos.org.au  with the names of all attendees and any special dietary needs, contact mobile number - before 5 November 2019.

See the Eremos website for register - www.eremos.org.au  

Eremos is an ecumenical network, which provides a forum for spiritual exploration in Australia. You are invited to attend this presentation and stay for the Eremos Institute Annual General meeting and share in the news about Eremos this year and into the future.


The Eremos November events  flyer is attached. 

For more details: please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Katy at 0419 449 590

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