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Anti Poverty Week 2020

11 - 17 October 2020

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Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all. We can all do something about it.

Anti-Poverty Week supports the Australian community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to take action to collectively end it.

During Anti-Poverty Week, you can help fight poverty and hardship. 


Decisions on 2021 JobSeeker payment levels now delayed until after Budget and Anti-Poverty Week 

A story in SMH 19/9 says the Government will wait until after the Federal Budget to decide the fate of more than 3.3 million Australians relying on the Coronavirus Supplement.  This was confirmed by Minister Ruston’s interview 21/9.  With a decision now expected sometime in November, Anti-Poverty Week becomes an even more important opportunity to advocate for a permanent rise in JobSeeker (or extension of the Coronavirus Supplement).

Learn how you can take action in 2020

Visit the new website www.antipovertyweek.com.au  

Use the promotional kit: https://antipovertyweek.org.au/resources/promotional-kit/   

Host an activity, find ideas for activities or search for an activity near you.

Visit the Anti Poverty Week website for more information - www.antipovertyweek.com.au  

Visit the Anti-Poverty Week website for more information on how to get started!

 APW text

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