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National Prayer Breakfast

Join the Prayer Breakfast 

Monday 12 October 2020

Live streamed from Parliament House, Canberra from 7.30 am to 8.30 am  AEDT 


Read the invitation below:  

I am very pleased to announce that registration is now open and our guest speaker this year will be Dr. Meredith Lake. Meredith is a highly regarded speaker on history, faith and culture. Meredith's cultural history of The Bible in Australia has won numerous awards including the 2019 Prime Minister's Literary Award for Australian History. She currently hosts Soul Search on ABC Radio National and is an Honorary Associate of the Department of History, Sydney University.

In the midst of the COVID19 pandemic, we will gather with one spirit in Christ's name wherever you are all across our nation through an online event.

The Prime Minister, Members of the House of Representatives, Senators, and our guest speaker, will be sharing how their personal faith makes a difference as they serve our nation. During this difficult time, we wish to pray for all our leaders and for the Father's blessing in every aspect of Australian life.

Unlike other years, there will be no charge (thanks to our sponsor soon to be announced). Also, we invite you to host a breakfast at which your friends, members of your church or community group may gather (ensuring you obey local COVID19 restrictions) to watch the live stream. You could even consider inviting your local Member, Senator or civic leaders. We will soon provide further details.

You may now register via the button below! 

Regards, Leon Hribar 

Register online here

For more information please contact Leon Hribar 


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