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Forum on Palestine

Is a Just Peace possible?

Pax Christi Victoria invites you and friends to an online Zoom Forum - Palestine: A Turning Point?

When: Sunday 18 October 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm

Palestine is one of the pivotal conflicts of our time.

Since 1948 the Palestinian people have experienced dispossession and violation of their most basic rights, not unlike Australia’s First Nations.

Until the injustice is remedied, there is little prospect of peace in the Middle East. Is a Just Peace possible? How can we in the West, in Australia play a constructive role?

Dr Chandra Muzaffarwill address these questions and engage us in conversation

For more information  

To register: email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  or phone +61 (0)448701877 giving the names of those wishing to participate and their emails. You will then be provided with instructions on how to join and participate in the Zoom Forum (by phone if preferred).

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