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Christian Conference of Asia


Wider partnerships and systemic efforts at grassroots are essential to combat trafficking in women and girls in Asia 

‘Towards Wider Partnerships for Combatting Trafficking in  Women and Girls amidst COVID-19’  - a virtual conference organised and facilitated by the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)  was held on 1 October 2020

The virtual conference called for systemic change supplemented with grassroots efforts to tackle the menace of human trafficking.

 "The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the difficulties of identification and rescue of victims who have been pushed into labour and sex trafficking because of its economic fallout. The panellist and participants of the webinar held on 1 October 2020, the seventh in a series of webinars initiated by the CCA on COVID-19-related issues, affirmed that ‘business-as-usual’ could not be reverted to and that sustainable collaborative efforts were needed to eliminate human trafficking in all its forms." 

Read the CCA article posted on 2 October 2020 Wider partnerships and systemic efforts at grassroots are essential to combat trafficking in women and girls in Asia by Ruth Mathen



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