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NCCA Assembly - online


Thursday 29 October 2020 10 am - 12 pm (AESDT)

NCCA will be holding a Member's Assembly later this month. We will be hearing from churches and First Nation members of The Salvation Army, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventists with a reflection from Anglican minister, Rev Glenn Loughrey.

A Reconciliation Gift for NCCA 2004:

“RIGHTS, RESPECT, RECONCILIATION” - by  Joyce Dukes 2004 (pictured)

The Aboriginal flag is a symbol of the struggle Indigenous Australians had to endure and the right to be heard. The real history of Australia since white settlement comes from their stories. The hands represent those people, who are aware of Aboriginal history, so they join Aboriginal people towards Reconciliation. The footprints represent people going to meeting places to listen and learn: in the spirit of Reconciliation. The dove represents peace and respect.

More details in the next Newsletter.

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