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Safe Church Program

NCCA Child Safety Framework Launch 

After twelve months of consultation with Child Wise and our Safe Church Program members, we are pleased to announce the launch of our NCCA Child Safety Framework and resources. 

The NCCA Safe Church Program pages of the website have been completely revised and updated with a variety of new resources and information to assist you with your safeguarding journey. These are available now and we invite you to explore them. For a full update, please see the Safe Church Framework and the information below.

The NCCA Child Safety Framework

This Framework has been developed in consultation with Child Wise, which supports public, private and not-for profit organisations to develop child safe environments and cultures. 

Built around the core pillars of: Leadership, Governance and Culture; Empowerment and Participation of Children and Young People; and Capacity Building, the Framework has been designed to support churches and faith communities on their safeguarding journey. 

The Framework comprises five downloadable user friendly documents:

  1. Introduction and Background
  2. Child Safety Framework Pillars
  3. Child Safety Standards
  4. Guiding Indicators for Developing Training
  5. Self Assessment

The Framework is available to purchase from the Safe Church Program pages of the NCCA website here

The NCCA Safe Church Program Resource Hub

A Resource Hub based on the ten Child Safety Standards has been developed to provide guidance on the practical implementation of the Framework. These resources have been sourced from across faith based and non-faith based organisations, and are available here for you to explore

We are confident the new Framework and resources will be a ‘value add’ for our members, and those involved with church and faith based organisations and we are extremely happy to have it available for anyone who would like to utilise it.  


Queensland Churches Together : Zoom Workshop on Family and Domestic Violence 

Session 1- 14th October: What is Domestic & Family Violence, Personal Story

Session 2- 21st October: Understanding Perpetrators, Responding to Domestic Family Violence in Toowoomba

Session 3- 28th October: Theology and Domestic & Family Violence, Expert Q&A Panel

The Joint Churches Domestic Violence Prevention Project (JCDVPP) is running a series of three webinars for church and faith communities to raise awareness on Family and Domestic Violence.

The JCDVPP, recognising that domestic and family violence is often a hidden evil in these communities, hold their workshops to bring together clergy, faith leaders and laity to examine ways in which to address violence, bringing this into the light of truth and healing.

This is a three part series of workshops and welcomes participants of all faith groups.

More information download PDF

To register go here

The JCDVPP is a Commission of Queensland Churches Together 


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