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Reflection at the end of Season of Creation

 All praise be yours, my Lord, through all that you have made

Francis of Assisi, 1225 Canticle of the Sun


Prayer of Adoration and Thanksgiving

Shining One,

Who glows warmly in our midst,

Open our inner eyes to see your love.

Let the creation reveal to us again and again,

your continuous movement in the evolution of life,

revolving around us, blossoming in us, and growing before us.


Spirit of Life,

whose breathing through life gently buffets around us,

and whose sighing is heard in the moaning winds.

Bring freshness to the inhalation of our shallow, anxious lungs.

In you, our tense and fatigued bodies

are restored for our journey and revitalised again

for the new things that flow with us as we journey on.


Life-give and creator,

Who draws out of the elements creative and vibrant energy,

Inspire us to know and understand your universe.

All that we can receive from past learning,

all that is being revealed in this present time,

and take part in all that is yet to be revealed.


Awe and wonder, imminent and now,

Your presence is felt in the creation in which we find ourselves.

May we honour it, as you honour us. Amen


Prayer from Rev Anne Hewitt

Photo credit: N Osora

Read the English translation of Canticle of the Sun by St Francis

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