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Act for Peace

Ration Challenge 2020

Thousands of people across Australia have taken the Ration Challenge – eating the same rations as a Syrian refugee for 7 days to raise money which will provide emergency food, hygiene kits and life-saving support to the people who need it most. Together they have raised nearly $2,000,000 to support refugees and other conflict and disaster affected communities around the world hit hardest by the coronavirus. 

 2020 Ration Challenge Wrap Up

Visit: the Act for Peace Facebook page to watch the Wrap Up video

This year, more than 6,000 of you signed up to take the Ration Challenge, to show refugees that we really are #inthistogether. You ate rations, shared stories, raised awareness and raised money for some of the world's most vulnerable communities. 

Act for Peace have put together this video to show the impact that Australians, like you, are making through the Ration Challenge.

Watch: Thank you Ration Challengers!

To everyone who completed the Ration Challenge this year: you've raised awareness, gained a glimpse of what some refugees experience, and helped to raise nearly 2 million dollars - and counting! 

The tallies as of 16 October 2020 are:

Australia: We have raised $1,978,721. Enough to feed 6,342 refugees for a YEAR

Schools: You have raised $226,481. Enough to feed 725 refugees for a YEAR 

United Kingdom: They have raised £1,559,096. Enough to feed 9,930 refugees for a YEAR 

Thank you for showing refugees we are #inthistogether 

Visit the Act for Peace RATION CHALLENGE 2020 website for more information on the Ration Challenge.



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