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NCCA Ltd AGM Panel Presentation

NCCA is pleased to invite you to the to NCCA Ltd AGM Panel Presentation on Christian Youth Summit.

Topic: Young Adult Organisers of a Christian Youth Summit (QLD 2019) - a Model for Inviting a New Generation into Receptive Ecumenism 

When: Wednesday 28 October, 3:00 - 4:00 pm (AEDT) 

Facilitator: General Secretary 

Invitees: Aaron Glover (Youth Minister, Lutheran Church of Australia - Queensland District); Melissa Ledwich, (Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane) and Chris Knott (Baptist Churches of Queensland) 

The Christian Youth Summit was a unique ecumenical initiative that was inspired by the Catholic and Lutheran Churches joint commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and a desire to celebrate their shared mission within the Kingdom of God.  

On Wednesday 1 November 2017 the Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane celebrated the 500-year anniversary of the Reformation at St Peters Lutheran College, Indooroopilly. 

The organising team wanted the service to not only look back on the history of the Reformation but to also look forward and consider what the future might hold for the Churches’ shared mission. It was decided that a Christian Youth Summit should be organised so that the Queensland Heads of Churches could hear the voice of young people and particularly their views on the future of shared Christian mission in Queensland. Teresa McGrath, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, and Aaron Glover, Lutheran Church of Australia Queensland District, were commissioned at the Reformation commemoration service to coordinate and lead this initiative. 

The Organising Team have written a Facilitators’ Handbook for others to emulate their successful experience and commissioned six short videos (funded with NCCA assistance) by Dr Antonia Pizzey of Australian Catholic University (ACU) explaining aspects of Receptive Ecumenism for the journey that is outlined in the Facilitators’ Handbook. 

CLOSE: at 4pm 

Please RSVP: to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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