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Week of Prayer for World Peace

10h -17 October 2021

Join together in prayers for peace.

This year the annual interfaith gathering of prayer and peace will be held on Sunday, 10 October 2021 at 3:30-4:30 (BST - London). It will be held virtually and anyone is welcome to attend. 

With music, prayers, storytelling and young people’s videos it will be a time to join together for peace. 

To take part in The Week of Prayer for World Peace Annual Gathering please use the following Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84564579233?pwd=aHhIUVhONEVacFBpeGkyandLK1pIdz09 




Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth

Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust

Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace

Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe


A Prayer and Study leaflet for individual and corporate use during the Week has remained a key feature of WPWP. It is presented here for use during the Week and throughout the year.

Download:  pdf WPWP 2021 2022 LEAFLET (002) (2.40 MB)

The Week of Prayer for World Peace 2021 is 10th -17th October. Please let the people at the WPWP know how you observe the Week of Prayer for World Peace via weekofprayerforworldpeace.co.uk

Why have Shared Faith Worship? (from WPWP)

“Where people are praying for peace the cause of peace is strengthened by their very act of prayer, for they are themselves becoming immersed in the spirit of peace.” wrote George Macleod, founder of the Iona Community. He was one of a number of faith leaders who in 1974 signed ‘A Call to Prayer for World Peace’. They wrote ‘Believing that God is calling us to pray with new purpose and deeper understanding for peace and justice among all people, we invite our fellow believers of all faiths to join in a WEEK OF PRAYER FOR WORLD PEACE’.

The call went on to say “Patience will need to be an essential feature of this united act of prayer so that we may all not only learn from the past errors but also be open to fresh insights which the unprecedented modern situation demands”. Sadly, these words are still pertinent today, in the third decade of the 21st century.

We are convinced that there is only one humanity praying to one supreme Creator, with whatever different opinions we may have on what that may be. We recognise that interfaith partnership does not in itself imply agreement. WPWP invites all people to join in praying for peace on our shared earth under one sky. 

The things we agree on are many and precious. What we disagree on is precious too. We stand alongside all who pray for peace with us as partners and friends.

If you are interested to know more, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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