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Discussion resources for Creation care

Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency 

The video series, ’Lessons from Covid-19 for the Climate Emergency' acknowledges the global crisis of the COVID pandemic and directs our thinking to the greater crisis of Climate Emergency. Five short videos highlight and connect the two crises. The global COVID crisis has arisen rapidly and is being addressed by a vaccine. The Climate crisis has been gathering momentum for some decades and will not be solved by a vaccine. We have addressed the COVID crisis from a scientific approach. We wonder why Australia doesn’t use a similarly effective approach to address the climate crisis?

At the end of each of these five presentations there is a series of questions for group discussion. Delving into these issues can inform and empower us to become much more effective disciples of Christ in these critical times.

Part Two of the presentation addresses Biblical principles upon which to build a new approach to responsible lifestyles for Christians. The final presentation asks the question ”What can we do?” and this looks at our potential responses in the Personal, Public and Political spheres. 

Professionally produced and highly recommended for congregational consideration.

The series was produced by Uniting Church Fellowship and Mission Support (UCFAMS) and EAG within the Uniting Church Synod of South Australia. 

It is made available to use for all churches and congregations .

View: “Youtube Lessons from Covid 19 for the Climate Emergency” 

All five can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2KelfQhz4XY-sjDb-dcJjg?app=desktop 


More to come

A second set of videos is currently in production having recently received a funding grant from the NCCA Glenburnie Program in its 2021-22 funding round.

Find out more about the Glenburnie Program here 


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