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Safe Church Program

Sharing resources to ensure Safer Churches   

NCCA Safe Church Professional Learning Webinar

NCCA’s Safe Church Network is pleased to present a Professional Learning Webinar to our safeguarding community on embedding: National Child Safe Standard 2: Children participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

Led by the Salvation Army of Australia, the webinar will share areas of research and programming that are looking at participation of children and youth in our mission and services. What are the participation and inclusion enablers and barriers that are being learned? Co-design with young people in services – what are the principles of participation that are being identified?

Friday 22 October 2021 is also the third anniversary of the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse and our webinar will commence with a reflection and prayer to acknowledge this important day.

Representatives from The Salvation Army will be facilitating discussions related to:

  • Developing a Lived Experience and Participation Framework: Emergent learnings from Salvation Army’s journey
  • Case Studies of Youth & Children’s Participation in The Salvation Army.

We invite our Churches, their ministry and operational staff and you are welcome to pass these details on to your colleagues working in this area.  

When: Friday 22 October 2021

Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (AEDT) Please check your local time against Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

Register: is required to attend the webinar. Please find the Zoom registration link here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuduGtrDIqHt150MorfA6jLvPUeHHfS2SN

It is also printed in the program here. pdf 20211022 Professional Learning Program final (280 KB) Once registered you will receive the meeting link in a confirmation email.    

CHILD WISEvirtual classroom training 

Learn key child safeguarding skills

Child Wise have a variety of child safety training programs coming up in a virtual classroom setting to help you:

  • identify risks to children
  • respond to disclosures of abuse
  • respond to concerns and allegations of harm to children
  • strengthen organisational child safeguarding policies and practices
  • lead child safety reforms in your organisation
  • empower children and engage them in decision-making 

Read below to find out more or visit the Child Wise website here to browse all upcoming sessions. 


The Australian Child Safety Legislative Landscape

‘The Australian Child Safety Legislative Landscape’  is a 2-hour virtual classroom training program which aims to provide a high-level overview of the main pieces of child safety related legislation for organisations that work or engage with children and young people across the country. 

When: Tuesday 5 October 2021

Time: 9.30AM - 11.30AM (AEDT)

Who: Recommended for experienced professionals who have a responsibility to lead the implementation of a child safe environment for children and young people. This can include senior leaders and managers, including CEOs and Board Members, as well as HR professionals who have prior training or knowledge of child protection. 

Register: online here to save your spot


Managing Child Abuse Disclosures and Concerns

‘Managing Child Abuse Disclosures and Concerns’ is a 2.5-hour virtual classroom training program was designed to provide participants with an understanding of reporting requirements and strategies for managing child safety and child protection concerns, incidents and allegations. Three scenarios are used during this session to work through organisational responses to child safety and child protection concerns. Guided by our experienced trainers, participants will work with the scenarios to develop an overall understanding of the following areas: 

  • reporting to appropriate authorities;
  • the importance of providing ongoing support to impacted or affected parties and;
  • mitigating and managing immediate and ongoing risks. 

When: Thursday 14 October 2021 

Time: 9.30AM - 12PM (AEDT)

Who: Recommended for anyone who works in an organisation or agency that delivers services to families and children and already has an understanding of child abuse, the forms of child abuse and the indicators of child abuse. 

Register: online here to save your spot  

NSW Office of Children's Guardian  webinar

NSW Reportable Conduct Scheme for Religious Bodies

Are you a member of clergy or a spiritual leader in a religious body? Does the religious body require you to hold a Working with Children Check - whether as an employee or volunteer? If the answer is yes – you fall under the Reportable Conduct Scheme in NSW.

Join the Director and senior staff of the NSW Reportable Conduct Scheme for a 3 hour session to get expert and tailored information that will help your organisation understand its legal obligations. 

The session will cover how the reportable conduct scheme relates to your daily work and will include sector-specific data insights and case study examples, information about how to strengthen investigations and a question and answer session.

When: Friday 15 October 2021

Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm  (AEDT) Australian Eastern Daylight Time. Please check your local time. 

Register: Online here 

Children's Week 23-31 October 2021 


23-31 OCTOBER 2021 

Children’s Week is a national celebration of children’s rights, talents and citizenship held on the fourth Wednesday of October in Australia to coincide with Universal Children’s Day. Each year the theme of Children’s Week highlights a particular Children’s Right.

The Theme for 2021 is Article 15 – ‘Children have the right to meet together and to join groups and organisations, as long as this does not stop other people from enjoying their rights.”

This includes being free to:

  • meet individual people and groups of friends
  • set up an organisation
  • join an organisation
  • take part in peaceful protest
  • come together to discuss the issues that affect their lives.  

Children’s Week 2021 is a wonderful opportunity to promote the rights of children and young people, and to celebrate their capacity to actively contribute to the world around them.

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